Chief Security Officer at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture

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Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, hereby invites Applications from suitably qualified Nigerians for the position below:

Job Title: Chief Security Officer

Location: Abia


The Chief Security Officer is responsible to the Vice Chancellor for the Security of the University Campus and shall:

  • Ensure on a day to day basis proper surveillance over life and property on campus and other designated places.
  • provide professional advice to ensure that strategies adopted meet all internal and external services delivery requirements.
  • Be proactive in relation to identifying managing crisis, resolving complex risk issues and mitigating activities in response to security related emergency situations,
  • Strengthen security initiatives by creating and maintaining good channel of communications amongst various Departments and Units in the University:
    • Furthermore, applicants for the post must have in the past exhibited considerable degree of competence, responsiveness and demonstrable integrity in security matters in a University or similar organization.
    • Applicants must be in good health to be able to endure the rigors of the duties of a Chief Security Officer.
    • The ability to advise the Vice Chancellor in Planning and executing strategies for maintaining effective security on campus must be in evidence.

The Candidate

  • Candidates for the position of Chief Security Officer must possess a good Honours Degree with bias in Social Sciences/Humanities with proven knowledge of group dynamics.
  • Possession of Masters Degree in relevant area or basic Knowledge of ICT application will be an added advantage.
  • In addition, applicant must have at least 15 years cognate experience in recognized tertiary institution or National Security Establishment and not below the rank of Captain (rtd) in the Army, Deputy Superintendent of Police (rid) or Deputy Chief Security Officer in a tertiary institution.
  • Candidate must not be above 50 years of age at the time of appointment.
  • The appointment is for tenure of five (5) years. However, retired officers from reputable Security Agencies who are not more than 55 years may apply on tract basis.

Conditions of Service

  • The appointment is pensionable on such terms and conditions as applicable to Federal Universities in Nigeria and as may be determined by appropriate University laws and the Governing Council.

Salary Scale
The salary is the University Salary Scale (CONTISS 13) i.e. (N2,733,869.00 N3.643, 204;00)

Application Closing Date

28th August, 2018.

Method of Application

Candidates are required to submit fifteen (15) copies of their application, giving the information in the following order:

  • Full Name(Surname First)
  • Post Desired
  • Phone (OSM) No(s)
  • Date of Birth
  • Place of Birth and State of Origin
  • Nationality
  • Permanent Home Address (Not P0. Box or PM.B.)
  • Marital Status
  • Name and Address of spouse (If married)
  • Number of Children with Names and Ages
  • Next of Kin
  • Institutions Attended with Qualifications and Dates
  • Working Experience with dates
  • Present Employment, Status, Salary and Employer
  • Extra-Curricular Activities
  • Names and Addresses of three Referees (two of whom must be professionals or authorities in relevant fields) who must be requested by the applicant to forward their confidential reports to the Registrar, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike and marked confidential: for the attention of the Registrar at the top left hand corner of the envelope, to reach him before the Closing Date.

Candidates should forward their applications by Courier Mail or EMS speed mail to:
The Registrar,

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike,

P.M.B. 7267,


Abia State.

The envelope should marked CONFIDENTIAL: “For the attention of the Registrar” and position applied for written at the “Top Left Hand” corner of the envelope, to reach him before the Closing Date stated above.