English Instructor

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Job Description

Please note this posting will be used to fill two temporary full-time positions for the 2018-2019 academic year.

  • Participate in department and college curriculum development
  • Deliver instruction using a variety of methods of course instruction, including on-ground, online and/or hybrid-blended, and accelerated for a wide range of students, including traditional, developmental, adult, concurrent enrollment, and English-language learners
  • Conduct classroom research and other assessment/evaluation activities
  • Mentor and advise students
  • Contribute in committee assignments and college-wide retention and quality initiatives, such as peer review of courses and an early alert system for students struggling academically
  • Engage in department accreditation and review
  • Engage in scholarly and other professional development activities

Course assignments include day, evening, and weekend hours at campus and off-site locations; delivery of course may be in traditional, accelerated, online or blended/hybrid, and concurrent enrollment modes.

  • Master's degree with a major in English or a master's degree with a minimum of 18 graduate semester credits (27 graduate quarter credits) in English.
  • PhD in English
  • Higher education teaching experience in introductory and developmental courses
  • Experience working with diverse student populations
  • Experience incorporating technology into curriculum delivery, including online and hybrid instruction
  • Experience developing and using student-centered, active and experiential learning strategies
  • Experience with interdisciplinary teaching and/or learning communities and an understanding of creating integrative learning opportunities

Experience assessing student academic achievement of campus-wide and classroom learning outcomes

Apply online via the link noted on the left by March 30, 2018.

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