7 Different Ways AI Can Be Used in Recruiting


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According to Forbes research, 55% of talent acquisition professionals in the United States use some form of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to support their hiring process.

While more and more businesses are adopting AI and machine learning into their recruitment process, other companies are still confused about how to implement AI into their technology. But that’s one of the best things about AI; it can be implemented for your recruiting teams in all kinds of different ways.

Keep reading to discover seven of the most popular ways you can use AI to improve your talent acquisition process.

1. Screening

AI is great for screening resumes. You can either implement it into your Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) to screen old resumes or new ones. Based on the data that you put into the AI solution, it will learn what types of candidates are more likely to be successful hires.

The AI can look at different requirements that you or hiring managers input into the AI recruiting tools, like performance, turnover rate, tenure, education, or skills-based on keywords or experience. When the AI screens through this resume, it’ll rank the candidates based on the qualifications that you specify and deliver a list to you with the strongest candidates.

If you want to make your screening software even more robust, some solutions will also use public data about the companies that the employees previously worked at. The software can also look at the candidates’ public social media profiles. With all of this extra data, you’ll have a complete picture of how well-suited the candidate is to your open positions.

If you want to use this type of AI software, you’ll want to find one that can easily integrate into your existing ATS. This way, you don’t have to worry about disrupting your workflow, and you’ll still be able to save time rather than manually going through all of the candidates’ resumes.

2. Decide on Compensation

With The Great Resignation causing many employees to try and find new job opportunities with a higher salary, you want to make sure that you’re offering competitive compensation. However, determining the right amount to pay along with a benefits package can be challenging.

In a larger company, they might have someone in HR who is solely responsible for figuring out benefits and compensation. But if you’re a smaller company or startup, you may have an HR generalist figuring this out along with handling many other duties.

To help them out, you can use AI tools to help you determine the right amount to offer a new employee. The AI will take different factors into account, like:

  • Overtime pay
  • Stock options
  • Vacation
  • Sign-on bonuses
  • Healthcare
  • Retirement
  • Salary
  • Bonuses or commissions

You’ll also want to consider the industry, local laws, employee experience and level, and the budget of your company. This can be a lot of numbers to crunch, but AI can do it quickly. It will source public data to figure out what similar companies are offering for employees who have an equivalent experience level.

AI can help companies consider all these factors, including skills and geography, to give a competitive salary number that can help attract top talent.

3. Chatbots

Do you find that you don’t have the time to offer a good candidate experience? According to the latest research, 49% of applicants will turn down a job offer if they have a negative experience during the application or interview process.

This is where AI can come in to help you use chatbots. These chatbots can provide real-time interaction with candidates and answer simple questions. For example, if a candidate needs to be reminded of what time their interview is scheduled for, the chatbot can look up this information based on data and answer the candidate.

The recruiter won’t have to worry about answering all of these simple questions for each candidate that they’re managing. However, this isn’t a complete replacement for human interaction. While it can help recruiters build a relationship with candidates, you’ll still need to interact with and talk with candidates. But with more time to focus on the essential questions and interactions, you can build a better relationship with the candidate.

4. Sourcing Candidates

If you’re having trouble trying to find candidates for your job openings, use AI. Using AI can lessen a recruiter’s workload since one-third of a recruiter’s week is spent sourcing candidates.

When you use AI, it will screen the internet and your ATS for recruiters and look for experience, keywords, profiles, and resumes. This will make it much faster than screening the candidates manually.

The software will get better at identifying the most qualified candidates by looking at performance, tenure, and turnover rates. You can also use it to screen for different qualifications.

For example, Recruiter.com doesn’t screen for education. According to Xuan Smith, CTO of Recruiter.com, “This software identifies people based on their work history, on how long they were at their job, and what their company does. However, we don’t consider education in our algorithm because we don’t find it to be a huge predictor of success.”

When you can have this step of the recruiting stage optimized, recruiters can get back to doing what they love: connecting with candidates.

5. Optimize Job Descriptions

It can be challenging to write the perfect job description that will stand out to applicants and then convey all the information without making it overwhelming. However, you can use AI.

AI can scan the draft of your job posting and identify pain points. It’ll show you what areas might need clarification, where you need to expand, and where you need to highlight more critical information about the role or the company.

When you use AI-backed insights, you can create a job description that will stand out and attract suitable candidates.

6. Employee Onboarding

Employee onboarding is just as important as any other stage in the recruiting process. When you have a good onboarding process, you can improve your employee retention by 82%. Now, you can use AI to ensure that you provide that excellent onboarding experience.

AI can help automate the administrative aspects of your onboarding process. For example, you can use chatbots here again as well to answer questions new employees might have.

You can also use AI to keep track of what training employees need to do and which ones they have already done. You can also use it to automate all of the paperwork signings.

This can give new employees a good first impression by showing that you’re organized and efficient.

7. Making Internal Decisions

Do you have problems making decisions throughout the hiring process? For example, if you’re struggling to decide between two candidates, you can turn to AI to use facts and data to make a decision.

You can also ensure that when you make these internal decisions, it will reduce any bias or error in the process. You have to ensure that you’re using AI that uses good data.

Implement One of These AI Solutions Into Your Process Today

If your company would benefit from using these AI solutions, you need to identify a vendor who has the product you’re looking for. For example, if you need an AI recruiting software solution that can source and assess candidates, contact Recruiter.com today.

We have a powerful AI solution that will help you find candidates even for challenging positions. The software will send a list of the best candidates directly to your email, and you can then send automated and optimized emails to the candidates you’d like to recruit.


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