University Librarian at the Federal University, Gashua
3 minute read
The Federal University, Gashua, Yobe State, hereby invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the position below:
Job Title: University Librarian
Location: Gashua, Yobe
Job Description
- The University Librarian is a Principal Officer and the Chief Administrative Officer of the University Library
- The University Librarian is responsible to the Vice- Chancellor for the overall administration of the University Library and the coordination of the Library services in the University and its branches in accordance with section 6(III) of the University (Miscellaneous provisions) Decree number 11 of 1993.
The Responsibilities
- Coordinate the Library services in the University and, as the institution expands, its College, Faculties, Departments, Centres and Units;
- He/She shall play a critical role in the attainment of the objectives of the University and the implementation of its Vision and Mission.
- Must be a professionally qualified and practicing Librarian;
- Prospective candidates must possess a good honours Degree and a Ph.D in Library and Information Science from a recognized University with at least fifteen (15) years relevant experience, preferably in a University or other Institutions of higher learning;
- Must show evidence of considerable scholarship through research, exhibitions and publications in reputable journals, as well as possess proven records of sound Administrative Leadership;
- Be a registered member of the Librarian Registration Council of Nigeria (LCRN) and/or Nigeria Library Association (NLA);
- Be computer literate and proficient in computer applications in library services;
- Have evidence of proven records of sound administrative leadership, respect and able to carry colleagues along; and
- The candidate must not be more than sixty-five (65) years at the time of assumption of office.
Salary and Conditions of Service
- Salary and Conditions of Service for the University Librarian shall be as obtainable in Federal Universities in Nigeria or may be determined from time to time by the Federal Government/Governing Council as appropriate
- In accordance with the Universities (Miscellaneous Provisions) Decree number 11 of 1993 (as amended) section 6(4) and 6(5), the successful candidate shall hold office for five years in the first instance. The appointment may however be renewed for one year and no more
- Fringe benefits include pensions in consonance with the Contributory Pension Scheme and appropriate allowances as may be approved from time-to- time by the Federal Government/University Council.
Application Closing Date
18th June, 2018.
Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should forward twenty (20) word processed applications and twenty-five (25) copies of their detailed Curriculum Vitae with copies of credentials. The Curriculum Vitae should highlight the following:
- Full Name (Surname first in capital letters}
- Place and date of birth
- Nationality
- State of Origin and Local Government Area.
- Present postal address/GSM numbers/e-mail address
- Marital status
- Number and ages of children (if any)
- Educational institutions attended with dates
- Academic Qualifications obtained with dates
- Professional Qualifications obtained with dates
- Details of research work and publications (attach evidence)
- Details of Administrative Experience and Service to the Community, with details of status and dates
- Working experience including full details of former and present post(s)
- Extracurricular activities
- Any other relevant information not covered above; and
- Names and Addresses of three references; one of which must be a reputable Professional Librarian and another, the current or immediate past employer.
Applications should be forwarded to:
The Registrar,
Federal University, Gashua,
P.M.B. 1005,
Yobe State.
Note: Candidates should also request their referees to send reports on them, under confidential cover to the Registrar, Federal University, Gashua.
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