LGA HIV/AIDS Consultant (Kaduna) at the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
We are recruiting to fill the vacant position below:
Job Title: LGA HIV/AIDS Consultant
Job Number: 513161
Location: Kaduna
Work Type: Consultancy
Job Description
Specific activities successfully rollout this intervention area include:
- Implementation of the plans in the 7 LGAs identified by the assessment in Kaduna state
- Intensive programming, engaging government, communities, young people
- Creating evidence (profiling positive ALHIV, contact tracing, pregnant adolescents, integration for youth friendly services, determinants of uptake of services, adherence, transition etc)
- Documentation, innovation (mHealth for increasing HCT, adherence of ART).
- Evidence generation and dissemination of lessons learnt to inform a learning collaborative to influence UNICEFs advocacy and convening for taking to scale, removing law barriers (eg age of consent).
- It is required that the systems and structures that have been strengthened be sustained fir continuous delivery of services for AYP.
- Thus, there is still need for the technical support to continue for the purpose of implementing a sustainability and exit plan.
- A LGA level consultant is required to ensure continuous implementation, monitoring and coordination and reporting of all planned activities in the 3 LGAs of Kaduna State.
The Purpose of the Assignment
- The LGA consultant shall be responsible for providing day to day technical support for direct implementation, coordination of partners in 3 LGAs.
- (S) He will ensure high quality and timely implementation of monthly work plans; collation and validation of data, identify and address challenges with the support of the State consultant.
- The LGA consultant shall report to the state consultant and contribute to the LGA, documentation and research consultants monthly and quarterly reporting to UNICEF as required.
- S/He shall be the direct focal person with facilities, LACA, youth groups and communities; and shall be responsible for the planning and preparation of community entry and training activities.
Under the supervision of the UNICEF HIV specialist work with the state consultant to support LACA and other LGA partners in coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the LGA AYP plans:
- Contribute to the development of the LGA AYP implementation monitoring plan under the supervision of the State consultant
- Support the strengthening of the LGA coordination mechanism
- Participate as an ad hoc member of the Prevention TWG and AYP Subcommittee
Under the supervision of the UNICEF HIV specialist work with the state consultant to support the LGA coordination and implementation of the LGA AYP plans:
- Shall be directly responsible for the LGA implementation in 3 LGAs
- Under the supervision of the UNICEF HIV Specialist, provide technical assistance to the LGAs for the development of and implementation of monthly activities from the respective LGA plans
- Support facilitation of monthly LGA team review meetings
- Provide technical support/supervision of the LGA Team regarding all aspects of adolescent HIV interventions in the assigned LGAs
- Undertake supervisory field visits to LGA and communities to assess progress, identify problems and propose remedial or alternative strategies or courses of actions to accelerate/improve quality of adolescent HIV interventions in the assigned LGAs under the supervision of the state consultant.
Under the supervision of the UNICEF HIV specialist work with the state consultant to facilitate AYP disaggregated data generation and use at LGA levels:
- Support LGA M&E Officers to ensure timely data collection (monthly and quarterly) from Service Delivery Points (SDPs), and collation at ward and LGAs, and ensure transmission to state
- Facilitate standardized 2-way feedback mechanism with SDPs and LGA.
Under the supervision of the UNICEF HIV specialist work with the state consultant to facilitate the review of the LGA plan:
- Facilitate annual LGA Plan review meeting;
- Facilitate quarterly LGA feedback and advocacy meeting;
Under the supervision of the UNICEF HIV specialist work with the state consultant to facilitate community engagements and empowerment for sustainability:
- Mapping of existing adolescent platforms/forums/networks/u Reporters forum for all sectors (WASH, Nutrition, Education, Health etc) including private sector at the LGA level.
- Engage and work with new and existing community structures at all levels for increased community participation and ownership of AYP interventions and strengthen partnerships with key allies including Implementing partners, NGOs, CBOs, faith-based organizations, women and youth groups for effective use of networks to promote programme ownership and sustainability Â
- Identify and advice the LGA on opportunities for further integration of AYP HIV services in to PHCUOR, SOML Initiative and other MCH platforms
- Facilitate LGA demand creation activities
- Under the supervision of the UNICEF HIV specialist work with the state consultant to submit routine reports on the effective utilization of UNICEF funds as in planned LGA budgets.
- Under the supervision of the UNICEF HIV specialist work with the state consultant to submit monthly and quarterly progress reports to state consultant using agreed templates
- Contribute to documentation and research consultants reporting as required
- Any other duties required for the successful completion of the project as assigned by Supervisors or authority of UNICEF Field Office
End Product/Ouputs:
- Detailed LGA Work plans
- LGA implementation plan/framework and templates for various deliverables
- Report of LGA/community entry meetings
- Inputs for monthly and quarterly reports (including data, dash board updates, inputs for documentation and research consults as on research and documentation plans)
- Inputs for final report (with various components as on documentation plan)
Experience and skills:
- Basic university degree in Public Health, Medical Sciences, Development areas or related field.
- The proposed consultancy and assignment is at NOA level.
- Two years or more experience in HIV and AIDS, gender, social protection or health programming, with proven record of working with adolescents and young people
- Hands on experience in field monitoring, data collection and collation
- Knowledge of the HIV response M/E framework and reporting tools
- Basic report writing skills, and power point presentations
- Team leadership and use of participatory approaches with communities and young people
- Self-driven and able to under tight schedules meeting tight deadlines
- Experience in planning and managing community level engagements.
- Communication- Speaks English fluently; presents information with skill and confidence; projects credibility; structures information to meet the needs and understanding of the intended audience; presents information in a well-structured and logical way. Fluency in local language is an added advantage
- Relating and networking – Easily establishes good relationships with external partners and staff; builds wide and effective networks; relates well to people at all levels.
- Drive for results – Sets high standards for quality of work; independently monitors and maintains quality of work; works in a systematic, methodical and orderly way; consistently achieves project goals; focuses on the needs and satisfaction of internal and external partners; accepts and tackles demanding goals with enthusiasm.
- Deciding and initiating action – Takes responsibility for actions, projects and people: takes initiative and works under own direction; initiates and generates activities and introduces changes into work processes; makes quick, clear decisions.
Application Closing Date
25th May, 2018.
Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online
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