School Psychologist Intern

2 minute read

Job Description

School Psychologist Intern

Job Specific Information: School Psychologist Internship applications are accepted 11/1/18 through 12/1/18. You must attach your resume and a letter of interest in becoming a School Pyschologist Intern to your online application.

School Psychologist Internship applications are accepted 11/1/18 through 12/1/18.

You must attach to your online application:

  • your resume
  • your letter of interest in becoming a School Pyschologist Intern
  • Three Letters of Reference—At least two should reflect your work during graduate training. The third may be from either your graduate or undergraduate training. Recommendations must be sent either (1) in a sealed envelope on the recommender’s letterhead, or (2) electronically from the recommender’s professional email address.
  • Official Transcripts (paper or electronic) —Undergraduate and Graduate – sent directly from the universities.
  • Writing Sample—One psychological report prior to being edited by a supervisor


Under the direction of a certified school psychologist and their university supervisor, receives and responds to requests for psychological services; provide interventions and instructional supports to develop students’ academic, social, emotional, developmental, and life skills; provide direct and indirect services for students, families, and schools; and work with families, school administrators, educators, and other professionals to create supportive learning and social environments. Regularly participates on problem-solving teams, including Collaborative Problem Solving, Educational Management, Section 504 and Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams. Engage in collaborative problem solving; develops functional behavior assessments; delivers instructional and behavioral interventions; and conducts psychological assessments for educational purposes. Provides preventive and responsive services including psychological counseling for students and program consultation to educators serving MCPS students. Provides consultation and services to families with referral to available resources in MCPS and the community at large; collaborates with public and community agencies and personnel serving MCPS students; delivers parent training and in-service training for staff, and attends in-service training and professional development. Completes other duties as assigned based on the university internship agreement and internship requirements.

: Coaches and other part-time

: Offices

: Multiple Locations

: Part-time |

Working Months: 00

: Feb 8, 2018, 12:50:05 PM - Ongoing

Original job postingSubmit Resume

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