Recruiter Jobs Roundup - May 18


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Our career community features jobs all over the world. has a career community exclusively for recruiters. With hundreds of exciting opportunities, you’re guaranteed to find roles that fit your area of expertise. Whether you’re looking for something remote or across the globe, we’ve got you covered. Twice a week, we’ll be updating this list with different types of recruiting jobs featured. Take a look below:

Technical Recruiter – Engineering
@ Elastic (Remote)
A data store, search engine, and analytics solution

Lead Technical Recruiter
@ Okta (CO, NY, or WA)
An identity and access management company

Talent Recruiter
@ Uncommon Schools (Rochester, NY)
A nonprofit public charter school

Senior Technical Recruiter
@ Aptos (Atlanta, GA)
A retail management software

@ The Martin Agency (Richmond, VA)
An advertising agency

The job market for recruiters is booming. From Bloomberg citing high demand, the WSJ writing about the surging need, and LinkedIn data showing soaring numbers, the business world is waking up to just how important recruiters are! Join the recruiting jobs community to advance or discover an amazing new talent acquisition career.

About Group, Inc. is an on-demand recruiting platform providing flexible talent acquisition solutions that scale from startups to the Fortune 100. With an on-tap network of thousands of recruiting professionals, advanced artificial intelligence sourcing software, and recruitment marketing automation, helps businesses solve today’s complex hiring challenges.